Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Facebook Vortex...

Good God! I'm really on a roll, here. I started this blog, then opened a Facebook account. Somehow 10 hours just passed without my even realizing it. The kids are faint from hunger, the dog needs to be let out...wait, I don't have a dog.

I already found some favorite students from Villa in St. Louis and some old friend from Junior High and High School in Evanston. Disclaimer: I am still a really shitty long-distance friend, no matter how many internet links I have! I'm thinking of sending a message to all my old St. Louis friends asking for Amnesty...do you think they would grant it to me?

So, if you find this, and you are on Facebook, link me in (Zilly Frazier Rosen) and we'll stay in virtual touch. Tomorrow it's back to the real world...I've got a business plan to finish and a loan to secure!

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